*** Updated 20th April ***

Please see – https://www.shawskips.co.uk/covid-19-coronavirus-update/ for latest info

Site Closure

As you are aware we are in an unprecedented situation globally. We are all quickly re-writing and re- adjusting our working practices and trying to come to terms with the situation as a whole both commercially and socially.

With this in mind Shaws Waste Recycling has taken the decision based on our staff and their family’s welfare and safety to close our site for an initial 3 week period from Friday 27th March 2020.

We will hopefully, based on future advice and guidance from government return to work and open our site on Monday 20th April 2020.

We hope all our customers stay safe over this period on uncertainty and will see you all when we return.

Emergency contact details while site is closed: – 01226 754740 info@shawskips.co.uk

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